Myth: Does sugar have an expiration date?

Sugar does not have an expiration date and is supported by resolution 5109 of 2005. Riopaila Light and Riopaila Pulverized sugar have a 2-year shelf life.

Myth: Is sugar just sweet?

No, it's not just a sweet-tasting, white-colored food, sugar is a carbohydrate. Carbohydrates found in the body function primarily in the form of glucose.

Reality: And what is glucose?

Glucose is an essential organic compound to maintain the functional integrity of nervous tissues and under normal conditions it is the only source of energy for the brain.

Reality: Sugar produces a beneficial sensation of pleasure for the mind.

When its consumption is restricted, a kind of anxiety crisis is generated and high degrees of frustration accumulate, which can even lead to psychiatric problems such as bulimia and anorexia. Consuming at least one sweet a day will allow you to keep anxiety levels regulated and not fall into excesses.

Myth: Is the sugar in fruit the same as the sugar in candy?

No, the sugar that comes from fruits is called fructose and it is different from the sugar used in the manufacture of sweets, which is sucrose derived from cane.

Myth: Is it true that sugar makes you fat?

No, because consuming sugar responsibly and in adequate amounts, within healthy eating and physical activity habits, does not alter weight to promote obesity. The rational use of sugar is not harmful to health, it is recommended to consume it in moderation as part of a healthy diet and lifestyle.

Myth: Do sweets give my children cavities?

No, it is the bacterial plaque that causes it and it is the proper oral hygiene habits that prevent it.

Fact: Sugar does not equal cavities

The presence of caries is influenced by meal frequency, oral hygiene, water fluoridation, fluoride supplementation, and fluoride-added toothpaste. Due to the various factors that contribute to dental caries, it is not possible to determine a level of sugar intake at which there is an increased risk of dental caries.

Fact: When should we consume sugar?

Sugar is a food of daily use in all age groups, the key is to educate your whole family about the adequate amounts, so as not to deprive them of the responsible consumption of drinks, desserts and sweets.

Myth: If I go on a diet, I can't eat sugar?

Yes, sugar and sweets can be present in a varied and balanced diet and their consumption should not replace other foods such as fruit.

Myth: Does sugar cause diabetes?

No, sugar consumed in excess does NOT cause diabetes since diabetes is due to the total or partial lack of the hormone insulin that regulates glucose levels in the body and not to an excess of sugar in the diet.

Fact: Did you know that...

Sugar is essential to nourish the nervous system, because neurons only feed on glucose, in addition to its purely energetic function, scientific studies have shown that certain amounts of sugar can act as a tranquilizer.

Reality: Why is Riopaila Light a light product?

Because consumers can sweeten all of their foods using only half as much light sugar as they would with regular sugar.

Reality: Does Riopaila Light sweeten the same as normal sugar?

Yes, it sweetens the same, only with less quantity, for example, 2 teaspoons of sugar are added to a cup of coffee, now it should only be sweetened with a teaspoon of Riopaila Light sugar.

Fact: What is sucralose?

Sucralose is a sweetener made from sugar that gives it the sweetness and rich flavor of regular sugar.

Reality: Is Riopaila Light suitable for preparing hot and cold recipes?

With Riopaila Light sugar you can prepare the recipes you want.

Myth: Does Riopaila Light serve to lose weight?

Riopaila Light Sugar does not help reduce body weight, except if it is part of a diet that controls total calorie intake.

Myth: Can Riopaila Light be consumed by diabetics?

No, no light sugar can be consumed by diabetics since it contains sugar.

Reality: Can Riopaila Light be consumed by young children?

Yes, Riopaila light is ideal for the whole family.

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