Integral management

The Grupo Agroindustrial Riopaila Castilla is a company committed to excellence in the management of its human capital, processes and products, seeking the continuous improvement of its results, compliance with legal requirements, customer satisfaction, generation of value and sustainability of the company, among other purposes.

The comprehensive management of the Group
Agroindustrial Riopaila Castilla is under the approaches of:

Quality and Safety:

Fulfilling the requirements
of the client, his satisfaction; guaranteeing
the safety and specifications of the
product for proper consumption and use.

Security and health at work:

Promoting healthy, clean and safe work environments, through the prevention, control, elimination and reduction of hazards and risks in the workplace, as well as health care and physical integrity of people, reducing injuries and occupational diseases. Understanding that the life and integrity of workers must take precedence over the operation and allowing spaces for training, participation and feedback from workers and their representatives.

Control and Security:

Maintaining critical areas and processes duly controlled and protected, safeguarding and minimizing security risk in the supply chain, including prevention against illicit or criminal activities related to drug trafficking, terrorism, among others.

Environmental Conservation:

Operating sustainably, mitigating environmental and climatic risks and impacts, ensuring the rational use of natural resources, making rational use of energy and taking advantage of its products for the generation of clean energy, preventing environmental contamination from management efficient management of waste and managing the conservation of Biodiversity.