Delivery of the first Collection Center

Santiago de Cali, December 18, 2019


With an investment of $112 million, the Caicedo González Riopaila Castilla Foundation, the Riopaila Castilla Agroindustrial Group and INNpulsa – Business Growth Management Unit deliver the first Collection Center for the transformation of Plantain and Banana in Florida Valle del Cauca

On December 10, the Caicedo González Riopaila Castilla Foundation, the Riopaila Castilla Agroindustrial Group, INNpulsa Colombia Business Growth Management Unit and the Municipal Government of Florida, delivered the first Center for the Collection and transformation of raw materials such as bananas and bananas, to the Association of Peasant Families of San Joaquín Asofacasjo, which links 60 producers and their families in Florida Valle del Cauca.

Said infrastructure was delivered within the framework of the Social Brand Project: 'Comprehensive Development and Commercialization of Family Agricultural Production of family producers of the Pueblo Nuevo District of the Municipality of Florida – Valle' led by the Caicedo González Riopaila Castilla Foundation from its #ComunidadesSostenibles program and financed by the Riopaila Castilla Agroindustrial Group and INNpulsa Colombia.

The project has been developed since 2018, in rural Florida with producers who are mostly victims of armed conflict and is committed to the #Food Safety Township.

The construction of this Collection Center, which has all the quality and hygiene conditions, represented an investment of more than 112 million pesos by INNpulsa Colombia and Riopaila Castilla, through its Foundation, of which 58 million were allocated to infrastructure, electrical installations and 54 million in machinery, tools and technical training for the producers who will use the Center and carry out the transformation processes.

It also received a 1,092-square-meter plot of land, where the 105-m2 infrastructure was built, and around 20 million for the activation of public services, through a loan agreement from the Florida Municipal Mayor's Office.

It is expected that, with this space, the plantain and bananas grown by small producers in the middle and upper rural areas of Florida, will be taken to the urban area to be transformed by themselves into flour, snacks, leachate, handicrafts, cakes and biscuits, among others, to start a logistical commercialization process that allows the increase in sales and activation of new markets for plantains and bananas, as a family and solidarity crop in the municipality.

With the Social Brand project with an investment of $515'404.280, Throughout a year of execution, in addition to the realization of the Collection Center, great achievements have been achieved, benefiting 60 family producers of plantains and bananas and 90 victims of the township of Pueblo Nuevo associated with Asofacasjo:

  • A socioeconomic characterization report of 60 rural families participating in the project, 34 of them registered in the single RUV victim registry.
  • Productive, business, marketing and associative capacities developed in rural producers, which today allow these families to implement their crops with good agricultural practices GAP, improvements in productivity and profitability and strengthened social capital.
  • 60 producers with new materials and agricultural inputs that allow improvements and pest control in plantain and banana crops.
  • 60 agricultural producers with technical support in post-harvest and product transformation
  • ASOFACASJO, A production solidarity organization, organizationally and entrepreneurially strengthened.
  • A Social Brand and four sub-brands created by agricultural producers and in process before the SIC: 'earth hand, fruit of peasant hands'.
  • A business plan for the five production units derived from the production process: flour, snacks, handicrafts, leachate and green product.
  • A portfolio of social brand products designed and in use as a support element in the positioning and marketing strategy.

More information

Catalina Aristizabal Mejia

Head of Communications

Riopaila Castilla Agroindustrial Group

Cell: 314 7847663

See Annex