On the measures implemented by the Riopaila Castilla Group in response to the CONVID19 alert

Santiago de Cali, March 19, 2020


On the measures implemented by the Riopaila Castilla Group in response to the CONVID19 alert

  • Given the current global and national situation, it is relevant to heed the international call made by the World Health Organization, WHO, and take the preventive measures adopted by the National Government with the declaration of the health emergency in Colombia.
  • This is how the Riopaila Castilla Group has implemented multiple measures to mitigate this situation, including:
  • The mandatory mode of remote work for office and administrative workers in operational areas such as factory, field, and harvest in Valle del Cauca, Meta, and Vichada; municipalities in which the company has operations.
  • For operational workers:

-Random check-ups to detect symptoms, by the company's medical team together with the leaders of the Occupational Health and Safety area.

-Preventive isolation for workers over 60 years of age with pre-existing chronic illnesses, who are being monitored by the company's medical team.

-Installation of antibacterial gel dispensers at strategic points of the company, for greater hand hygiene. This gel was made in both plants in Valle del Cauca, Riopaila and Castilla.

  • Issuance of reminder announcements every two hours "Stop for a moment and go wash your hands" through the company's internal media for administrative and operational workers, and likewise, preventive communications about the situation.
  • Protocol of preventive measures of COVID - 19 for contractors, suppliers and Visitors. Likewise, restriction of the entry of visiting personnel to the company's facilities. all meetings are being attended through virtual communication channels such as video calls.
  • Additionally, seeking to prevent the spread of COVID19, the company expressed its interest in joining the actions that the Local Government from the Municipal Risk and Disaster Management Committees are implementing, taking into account that Zarzal, Florida, Bugalagrande and Pradera are municipalities that belong to its significant areas of operation, and a high percentage of its workers reside there.
  • For the company, the articulation between the private sector and the government has always been relevant, to advance in the construction of a collective vision of development in the territories of influence, and in the face of the current situation, it will remain alert and continue taking the necessary measures for the benefit of their workers and their families.

More information:

Catalina Aristizabal Mejia

Cell: 314 7847663

Head of Communications

Riopaila Castilla Agroindustrial Group

See Annex