Communication to the public opinion

The Riopaila Castilla agro-industrial group reports that:

• It is not the owner of the Policane product patent at a national or international level, nor does it have a legal and/or commercial relationship with said patent.

• It has always recognized the panelero sector for what it represents in the country's economy and the dynamism it generates; Both the sugar and panela sectors contribute positively and in a relevant way to the socioeconomic dynamics of the areas where they operate.

• In addition to recognizing the panela sector, it acts in full compliance with the law and respects Law 40 of 1990, through which regulations are issued for the protection and development of panela production and the panela promotion quota is established. .

• Finally, by unanimous decision of the Board of Directors of Riopaila Castilla, it is ratified that the only authorized spokesperson is the President and Legal Representative of the Company.

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