Declaration of conflicts of interest format for strategic allies (cane suppliers) and productive allies (suppliers of goods, works and services)

At the Riopaila Castilla Agroindustrial Group, we act with integrity

Conflicts of interest do not in themselves represent breaches of ethics, but it is the duty of any person linked to our companies to declare their existence when circumstances arise that could give rise to it (possible conflict) and/or when they actually arise (conflict). real).

We understand that there is a conflict of interest when there are personal or economic circumstances that prevent an Ally from making transparent and objective decisions for the benefit of the Riopaila Castilla Group when they conflict with their own interests, those of their family and/or third parties.

STATEMENT: Below, I declare the circumstances that create or could create a conflict of interest. This declaration includes my own situation, as well as those of (i) my spouse or romantic partner, (ii) family members (parents, children, grandparents, uncles, nephews and direct cousins or of their spouse or romantic partner), (iii) people with close friendship or enmity (hereinafter “Linked”) and/or (iv) third parties with whom I have a commercial, labor or economic agreement (hereinafter “Third Parties”)

FM-DEV-003-3 2023

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