President's message to stakeholders #1 situation COVID19

Santiago de Cali, April 17, 2020


Greetings to all,

For more than 100 years, we have known that the best seed is our ideas, that our best resource is people, that the best we can cultivate are lasting relationships, and that in the end the best harvest is sticking together in the face of adversity.

Today Colombia needs us and that is why in Riopaila Castilla we continue forward, working with solidarity for the country, we also want to be part of the solution, that is why we have already donated more than 180 thousand liters of alcohol to the communities near our areas of operation, to hospitals, relief agencies, prisons, peasants, small farmers, cane suppliers, workers and merchants from Valle del Cauca, Caldas, Quindío, Risaralda and Cundinamarca. We have also provided more than 50 thousand units of bioprotection elements to various medical centers in the region.

We have responsibly assumed the measures established by the national government, and we have defined others for the benefit of all our workers, their families, the community and of course our production chain.

Our greatest solidarity is in our Fundación Caicedo González Riopaila Castilla, which reaches more than 19,000 people each year with education and food safety proposals, today connects entire communities with educational and nutrition campaigns under the idea that the best way to prevent, is to avoid contact; that family time is the best reason for the pandemic; and that love and respect are the only traces that COVID19 should leave us.

We are sure that together we can harvest more and better things, because this situation has allowed us to see opportunities, strengthen and create new alliances for the benefit of the country.

I want to invite you to continue strengthening ourselves, to continue responsibly assuming the correct measures to get ahead of this current situation that all Colombians are going through.

On behalf of the Riopaila Castilla family, he sent them a greeting of solidarity.


Peter Henry Cardona
Agroindustrial Group
Riopaila Castilla S.A.

See document